Bernardino Machado

Bernardino is a Religion Sociologist and Physiotherapist (specialised in manual therapy and myofascial disorders), born in Venezuela but currently living in Madrid, Spain. He has been studying yoga, meditation and ancient traditions for more than 20 years.

In the last ten years he has worked as a yoga Alliance certifier delivering 200-TTC and workshops all around the world. Having a passionate interest for the use of psychedelics in ancient cultures and religion practices, he is very interested in exploring the effects of psychedelics combined with ancient eastern practices as yoga and Qigong as a way of expanding human consciousness and finding inner balance . Having music background as guitarist and flute player, he enjoys playing music from different traditions in the context psychedelic ceremonies.

Upcoming Programs by Bernardino Machado

Immersion Retreat - Feb 23-27, 2025 - CR

Also With Costanza Di Prisco, Juan Tepui and Mary Bredin

February 23 - 27, 2025

A Comprehensive Program Including Preparation, a 5-Day Psychedelic Supported Retreat and Integration Are You Curious About How Psychedelics Might Support You in Connecting to Your Authentic Self? Join Us for this Cornerstone Experiential Program Designed to Reveal Your Potential for Personal Growth and Expansion. Interest in psychedelics and the potential they hold to unlock latent […]